Friday, June 20, 2008


....As you all know...Jewel can control the elements....She's a little Mother Nature....except she's more like a Daughter Nature....Since she's not an adult..Oh well, back to the problem.....or warning...If there are any sudden...floods....earthquakes...wildfires...tornadoes....hurricanes....or ANY other seemingly natural most likely isn't natural...unless you call a three year old, element controlling, avian experiment natural....I don't, thats for sure....On second thought some of those disasters that have to do with the weather...may be Storm trying to kill and/or physically harm Sonar....Its pretty amusing actually....sometimes I join in...but its wrong....VERY matter how fun and hilarious it is! LOL.

Well yyyyyyeah....Jewel has kinda been finding amusement creating the things I said....though when I told her how the fires hurt the poor little animals....she was horrified by the knowledge and swore she would never again start I don't think you have to worry about that one.

Good luck everyone....and sorry if any of these things inconvenience you in any way!...REALLY I AM SORRY!...I promise that I will try my best to control Jewel....buuuuut I can't promise that I CAN control her.

Time to Fly,


Just Me said...

Hurt him and I keeeel you. He;s MINE! MINE all MINE! (well...and his because he's kinda know) still MINE!

You might want to NOT draw attention to yourselves...or hurt humans...

I love ya Ray.

Miss you guys

I love SOnar


Spirit said...

...but I said that it was WRONG to hurt Sonar....

Anonymous said...

go jewel!
sorta like sable i guess....

Spirit said...

Don't encourage her! DO YOU WANT TO DIE!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!^^