Thursday, September 4, 2008

School Life

I can't believe it! School just started and it already feels like its been forever! I already have tons of homework! Work! Work! WORK! I hate it! I need OUT!...I also would like some sugar and a job that pays...I need money...Yup...

BOBBLES! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe....Bored now....

Hmmmm....Lets see....I scared a couple of freshmen this week...ummm what else....

OH YEAH! In Spanish class we did a Spanish mad-lib...And we made it say "Fat Moms and blue Dads give birth to a toilet" lol The toilet was my idea! That class period was fun! Tomorrow I have to do the essay in class...Not looking forward to that....

Well Time to Fly,


Sonar said...

i completely agree with radar on the first part.... WORK!!! i had a job but i am not doing it any more...only summer....i had like eight hours of homework tonight

Storm said...

ha! I laugh at you!
at least you Sonar.
i feel sympathy for you Radar.
i like my work. maybe you can come work with me radar! sonar DID say he would visit me... hmm

and i have homework too. not lots (please don't hate me!), but i have to do a poster/presentation on a country 2.5x the size of washington dc. how stupid...
see ya!