Saturday, August 16, 2008


Hi!...I didn't get the job....tear tear...Oh well! I'm trying to volunteer at a zoo...I GET TO PLAY WITH THE ANIMALS! YAY!....Maybe I'll take one home....hehehe....OH! ....Ummmm Echo? I think I have an obsession with pirates right now....That reminds me...Are you finished my book? The Piratica one?....hmmmmmm I'm almost out of sad...

OW! Silence!!!! OW! STOP IT!

....Hi this is Silence....Radar is....tied up at the moment....IT seems my girlfriend has a problem with not killing every white coat she sees...

I DENY THAT FACT! THE LAST ONE I DIDN'T KILL!...I put him in an insane asylum....Its different...

....You are still doing harm...



.....Poo Sir! Poo I say! And Thrice Poo!!!

.....ooooooooK then....Would You like to do the honors?

What? OH! Yes...yes I would!
Time to Fly!

1 comment:

Storm said...

oh no! get more candy fast! i'll bake you something!
yay animals! yay Silence! hee, i have this song on itunes called 'Sound of Silence'. its pretty cool. good harmony. oh, ANYway,......forgot. oh well, tell you later!
oh, now i remember!
you two are so great together! as are Echo and Sonar!
how is it that Storm has yet to find someone special?