Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Only one or two of those was directed at you. No I'm not terribly angry at you but dammit people! I'm sorry. I haven't been in a good mood lately and I'm tired of hiding it. It just all built up and today I somewaht exploded. When you do that it really ticks me off. You people need to lighten up.

Trust me Saph and Ray you aren't the only ones.
And Storm that was not meant for you...I barely even see you around anymore.....

Echo and Lilac

Ps. That was just me in need of a good rant....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ANTHER BLOG GOOD go to the othersideofmaximumride.blogspot.com for more birdkids/ experiments there good guys i'm friend i'm normal and contact me at jsph1gldstn@yahoo.com
-ps go there come on link up with them guys there birdkids to some of them!