Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jet and New Power


Ok, some people may be wondering about Jet and my connection to him. If I'm correct, he's my older twin that was taken away to another school right before I was born, I just had contact with him!

New Power: I was at school getting info for the musical and I saw carousal horses from the musical last year! I had named them Eclipse and Moon Blossom. There used to be another named Storm, but he got sold. Well I was sitting on Eclipse, while the teacher went to get my info and the most amazing thing happened! ECLIPSE CAME TO LIFE! AND HE TALKED! I was extremely shocked and I had to turn him back before the teacher came! I felt bad about turning him back...he was my friend and he was finally ALIVE!...but if the teacher had seen that his fake horse suddenly came to life while I was in the room...It would have raised WAY to much suspicion.

Time to Fly,

P.S. Echo! Remember to meet me at the lockers after school WITHOUT Sonar!!!!

1 comment:

Just Me said...


(is it weird that the word verification is eintsi??)