Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Mini Creeps

I forgot to mention that earlier tonight when me, Storm, Echo, Sonar, and some of our friends were hanging out at our place on Earth, some creepy little kids came up and starting lifting their shirts up and was put it simple....and slightly disturbing....But yeah the entire time we were calling them losers and Booing. lol
After awhile it was getting annoying, so we all got up and stood together, facing them. It was hilarious! They ran for it! Guess they couldn't handle the flock! HA!
A few minutes later, they came back with some adult, who stared at us. Then they all left...which was odd....Hope it wasn't a scientist.....we better keep a look out for anything strange or any new people that we see near the house...
Well Time to Fly,

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