Thursday, June 12, 2008

Suspicions about Echo

Ok From what I can tell some of you are suspicious of Echo, but I can tell you there is no need. Like Sonar stated, I know pretty much everything about Echo, but everything I know is between me and her, not even her brother Silence knows. It is also true that me, Echo, and Silence have a telepathic connection, but it can be turned on and off. I mean come on! Everyone needs their privacy.
Though some of you may not believe me, Echo is completely trustworthy, defects and all. I would trust her with my life, so please don't talk bad about her. OK?
I won't tell you much, but I will tell you that she has been through a lot. Growing up in the lab isn't easy, you know? Because of everything thats happened, Echo doesn't trust easily. The only reason I know so much is that we grew up together and she is my best friend.
I hope I eased your minds a bit.
Time to Fly,


Sonar said...

Thank You, it starts to get really annoying after a while with stupids messing everything up.

Spirit said...

no problem