Thursday, June 12, 2008


I saw these questions on Sonar's blog and it said that they were addressed to all of us so I'll try to answer them

What is the worst lab experience you've had?
Not sure....there were WAY to many...

What was the happiest moment of your life?
My happiest moment was the day I escaped and found a temporary home. The wind in my hair and beneath my was...amazing. I kept thinking...I'm more pain...I know it might sound cheesy...but thats my happiest moment.

How long has the school been on your backs?
Hmmmm well that doesn't have one answer...After we escaped, we were chased for around a year or was hard to tell...Then we staged our own death...Lived in peace for a while then they discovered we were a live and we've been on the run ever since.

What is you favoirte song?
I don't really have a favorite song...but I do like the song "Concrete Angel"

Can you sleep while flying?
I don't know about the others, but I've never tried.

Have you been to Ireland?
Yes, I loved it! Its a great place!

Have you ever ridden a giraffe?
Yes I have....Though Silence said that it was stupid and pointless..I liked it, it was an interesting experience.

Can you really breathe in space without an oxwgen suit thing?
Hmmmmm....I'll have to say we breathe in space?...Its a secret! lol
Well Time to Fly,


Just Me said...

post more...something I can comment too...blahhhhhhh

Spirit said...

are you suuuuuuuurrrre?