Saturday, June 7, 2008

Radar's Prank Corner

Hey! It's Radar! Now tonight we have a special surprise! Echo is asleep!
Equipment: fake claws, false fur, furry leg and arm gloves that go up to sleeves and pants legs, specially made glue, buzzer( shaving tool), washout-white

Position of Victim: Lying on side, Demented wing out, Celeste (gift from Sonar) under her partly, arm holding Celeste possessively, legs bent slightly/ yet still together

Prank: First i slip on the furry gloves into their proper places on Echo and secure them with some of the special glue. Next put glue all over Echo's face and neck (glue is made to not harm eyes or be toxic). Then put fur all over her, leaving only her eyes and mouth uncovered. After that let it stand for five minutes. While waiting, I glue the fake claws onto her gloved hands and feet. After the five minutes are up, I go to fur on neck and shave/ buzz an "expiration date" on her neck making the date tomorrow. Finally, for the finishing touches add a bit of white to fur. And there it is! An erasified Echo!

Well thats it for now!

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